For outside densely populated areas, the maximum speed
- 50km/h: motorcycles, trailers, cars towing other vehicles;
- 60km/h: buses, semi-trailers, special-use cars, motorbikes;
- 70km/h: cars with over 30 people, trucks with over 3.5 tons;
- 80km/h: cars with up to 30 seats, trucks under 3.5 tons.
In this sentence: choose the answer: Outside of a densely populated area - up to 80km/h - cars with up to 30 seats.
Passenger cars with up to 30 seats (except for buses), trucks with a tonnage of less than 3500 kg.
Buses, semi-trailers, special purpose cars, motorcycles.
Passenger cars with over 30 seats (except for buses), trucks with a tonnage of 3500 kg or more.
Cars towing trailers, other towing cars, motorcycles.